First and foremost, we would like to thank every single one of you who has supported us since day 1. From a shitty HC punk band to a even shittier nonsensical noisy band. We truly appreciated it.
Ok here are some updates. Firstly, we will be selling our Pain 7" EP at $8sgd instead of $15sgd. We are clearing our shit out for our upcoming album and tours. To those who had bought them at the initial price, we will pass you another colour vinyl. Hopefully we can accommodate to your colour pick. We sincerely and humbly apologize for ripping you guys off. We were dumb and pretentiously cool for pressing a 7" for our first release causing us to be in quite a debt since most of us are just schooling, serving the nation with little amount of allowance, and still wanted to enjoy the every single chicks and booze we could get (got worsen though) during that point of time in a place and time where vinyl was pronounced as vi-nel in general. We hope we still could get the same support.
P/S: Dear friends who have shown endless support and help to us, if you are reading this, we will be releasing random colours splatter for our vinyl just for you. Hand-numbered out of 17? with a new different set of cover design. Interested? Pop by at The Caulfield Cult release show on the 15th of June.
Next, we are almost finishing with our 1st very shitty album. Thus, we are open for more shows, be it locally or any part of the world. Promoters we are looking at you! Holler back at us on our
facebook or
email us if you would like to book us. New album will be release by late June titled ACPHCBBWLOLYOURMOTHERDEATHRIPOFFS or in short A.D/B.C.
FFO/Major Influenced: Entombed/ His Hero is Gone/ Cursed/ Darkthrone
Till then, we would like to wish our Chinese peasant communists brothers from
The Caulfield Cult all the best for their upcoming Europe tour with
Hey! Joni!
Stay Safe//Stay Evil
Keepers of the Hate
Current music: Darkthrone - Dark Thrones and Black Flags